Topic: Identify and discuss one or two observations or insights you have made and how you will apply them in relation to critical thinking, supporting the command philosophy, and/or influencing the command climate.

Instructions Reflection Essays:
1. Upon completion of all lessons for a reflection essay, review your journal entries for the applicable lessons and write a 750 to 1,500-word reflection essay following the guidance in AC7910REQA. Students must write the essay using AC7500RE Coversheet.docx, which is the required cover page in Microsoft Word format. The cover page is not included in the word count of the essay. Type the essay using Times New Roman typeface, font size 12, 1 margins, and double-spaced text. The reflection essay must address the below respective prompt and should focus on significant insights you gained through the seminar sessions, lesson readings, IMI reviews, homework assignments, and/or your interactions with peers or the instructor. Students must link their reflections and insights to the lesson material and their learning experience.

Students may use personal experiences to support their position or argument. The writing prompts for each reflection essay are listed below. See the ECDEP Writing Center section below for further assistance with writing skills.

see attached rubric

here is my reflection journal that has to be included or used (parts of it) for the essay:

Lesson 1:

Week one lesson focused on critical thinking. We discussed the intellectual standards and elements of thought. It was good to read my peer’s views on the subject. While reviewing this lesson, I started to reexamine some of the decisions I have made in the past. I ask myself “did I apply intellectual standards to my decision? Why wasn’t this area of study introduced to me earlier in my career?

This lesson reminded me of an incident I had experienced as a sergeant. The Commanding Officers wanted to know if the base facility paints unit parking lot since the lines were looking faded. Although the CO did not give any deadline, his order was received as ” the parking lot need to be repainted immediately.” So, my Marines and I ended up painting the parking lot on Saturday. I later found out that the CO was upset when he saw Marines painting the parking lot on a Saturday. He said we could have done it during the week and, all he wanted to know was if the base facility would do it. I feel Marines were afraid to ask questions. We could have easily painted the parking lot during the week. If we were worried about where the staff would park their vehicle, then it could have been done half and half. I have always felt things it could have been done better.

I started reading Black Hearts and it was a little hard to read what was done to this family. I had to stop reading the book. I like the insight of the author regarding why he started his investigation into this unit. I am looking forward to reading this book.

Lesson 5: I never had a leadership philosophy before this class. I never thought about it, much less developing one. I always knew what I value as a leader. This class has helped me to gain a better insight into what leadership means to me. It also helped me to gain insight as to why I value certain leadership traits.

I want to incorporate my new insight into my life by having my philosophy visible at home. It will be a reminder to myself that I can apply my new insight in all areas of my life.

Black Heart: This book was hard to read, the rape of a child, the murder of another, and the damage it cost. It could have all been prevented, but people in the leadership position just didn’t seem to care. Some were fighting for their own survival in the hell they call a unit. It was like a crab being cooked so slowly that by the time he realized what was going on, the lid was on the pot and there was no escape. Even though we know what happen during the war and what led to the downfall of this unit, we still haven’t changed our way of thinking. I am happy justice was served for the crime commited by the three soliders.

I wish more was investigated regarding the Commanding Officer treatment of his troops.

Lesson 6:

Pygmalion effect

Is this why it seems like leaders always give their water walker additional responability? Are we as leader doing a disservice to those Marines that are just skatiI ng by, collecting a pay check while their peers are picking up their load?

After watching this video, these were some of the questions that came to mind. I remember talking about this topic in regards to schools with low income. I thinking about it made me realized how I viewed some of peers and the Marines in my charge. I had this one Marine, he seems to always get me trouble for whatever reason. Every week it was always somethings. The problem was I was brief about this Marine and how unrelaible he was even before I met him. I came in with a pre-conceived idea and I treated the individual the same.

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