ENGLISH 214: ESSAY #1 This essay will be a 4-5 page essay written on a close reading of one or more poems discussed in class or included in the syllabus up until the essay due date. • The essay should be written in 12 point font, double spaced, and have 1 inch margins. • Also, a signed copy of the “Academic Integrity Essay Cover Sheet” should be attached to the back of your essay. Make sure that you read this and edit your essay before handing it in to ensure that you have not plagiarized. • A hard copy of all essays must be handed in at the beginning of class on the due date. Papers may be printed as single or double sided documents. Papers that are not stapled properly will not be accepted. • Place page numbers on the top right corner of the every page. • Also, on the top left header of your document, please include: Full name, student ID # Date of Submission Course Code & Letter • Include a bibliography at the end of the paper. The only required source is the Anthology or book where the poem(s) analysed are found. This should be in MLA format. Any in- text citations should also follow the MLA format guide. You have a few options of how to tackle this paper: 1. Write 4-5 pages on a single poem and author. 2. Write 4-5 pages about 2 or 3 poems from the same author. In this case you will be exploring common themes, devices, and contexts between the poems as a way to shed light on the style and motivation of the poet. 3. Write 4-5 pages comparing one author’s poetry to another author’s poetry. In this case, you will likely be comparing no more than 1 to 2 poems from each author and your focus will be on comparing and contrasting the themes, topics, and styles of each author as a way to shed light on the differences/similarities between the author’s poetic thought and influences. *Note that in each paper, you should focus on at least one poem and one poet that we have discussed in class. If you are doing a comparison between poets one of those poets, for example, should have been discussed in class before the due date of the paper. Writing Hints 1. Present tense! Unless you are referring to a specific historical event, always keep your essay the present tense: “Shakespeare writes…” rather than “Shakespeare wrote . . .” A good rule of thumb is to always cite or introduce authors authors and their writings in the present tense. 2. Argue! Include a thesis statement in your introduction. What is your argument? Make this statement clear and concise. It is the most important statement in your thesis. Unsure of how to write it? Read pages 32-44 in The Broadview Pocket Guide to Writing. Google is also your friend. Search “How to write a thesis statement.” There are plenty of resources and examples out there. 3. Analyze! Do not describe the poem to me like a story. You want to be analytical rather than narrative. Engage with the poem. Start by asking a few questions: What does the poem mean? How are poetic devices used and what affect do they have on the mood of the poem and on the reader’s reception of it? What is the historical significance of the poem? Why write a poem like this back then? What does this poem make you think about? How does it affect you? Why is this poem important/ relevant even today? As you can see, there are a lot of questions that can help you direct your writing towards an interesting topic. 4. Be Organized! Include topic sentences throughout your main paragraphs. Introduce the point you want to make in each paragraph. Be concise with your points. Don’t write on “rabbit trails.” 5. Conclude strong! Include a conclusion. Redefine the thesis and how you answered your argument. Imagine if a reader was only to read the conclusion. Would they understand the argument you proposed and the basic way that you answered it? That is what you want in your conclusion. 6. Utilize Resources! Go to the writing centre for help, guidance, and editing work. This is an amazing resource that you are lucky to have at this University. Utilize it! Don’t be afraid to read poem analysis’ online remembering, of course, that online analysis’ are not the “law” of how to read and interpret a poem. Every analysis is open for you to critique and form your own opinions, views, and perspectives. some stuff is just for me like adding ID and all you will be choosing from these poems: “easter wings” by George Herbert, “Altar” by Goerge Herbert, “{I[a}]” by E.E Cummings, “In just” by E.E Cummings, “the road not taken” by Robert Frost, “stopping on the woods by snowy evening” by Robert Frost, “Anthem for doomed youth” by Wilfred Owen, “dulce et decorum 1st” by Wilfred Owen
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