For this assignment, you will be writing an argumentative essay–a piece of writing that requires you to take a position, what rhetoricians call a , on a debatable topic (that is, a topic with more than one side). Specifically, you will present a  where you argue for or against a change of some kind. This  should be supported by reliable, credible  (i.e. ) backed by research.  In addition to presenting your , you will also need to acknowledge the other side, which is called the . For this assignment, you may choose your own topic or select one from the list below.

  • Physician-assisted suicide should/should not be legalized
  • The drinking age should/should not be lowered to 18
  • Colleges should/should not use proctoring for exams
  • Weedkiller should/should not be illegal
  • Self-driving cars should/should not be legal
  • College athletes should/should not be paid as employees
  • The U.S. should/should not switch to a single-payer healthcare system
  • Drug possession should/should not be decriminalized 
  • The minimum wage should/should not be increased across the U.S.

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