In your role as a financial advisor at Eagle Consulting, you will be meeting a potential customer, Keith Jones. Mr. Jones is 35 years old, married with two children, and would like your help in planning a long-term investment strategy with the $100,000 he has to invest. In advance of your meeting, you decide to create a PowerPoint presentation that will educate Mr. Jones on how stocks and bonds are valued, as well as provide a guide to stock and bond investing.
To complete this assignment, do the following:

Refer to the Eagle Consulting Info Sheet you downloaded in the first part of this course project
Develop a 10-screen PowerPoint presentation with accompanying lecture notes that explains the following concepts:

Bond valuation techniques
Stock valuation techniques
Comparison of stock and bond investing

The presentation should include the following slides and accompanying lecture notes. The slide content should be brief and include supporting images or diagrams where appropriate. Use the Notes area beneath each slide to put the accompanying lecture notes for the slide.


Title Slide

Slide Content: List of primary benefits of stock investing
Lecture Notes (100-150 words)

Explain each identified benefit.

Slide Content: List of primary risks of stock investing
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Explain each identified risk.

Slide Content: List of primary benefits of bond investing
Lecture Notes (100-150 words)

Explain each identified benefit.

Slide Content: List of primary risks of bond investing
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Explain each identified risk.

Slide Content: Explanation of bond valuation techniques
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Discuss the importance for investors of understanding bond valuation techniques.

Slide Content: Step-by-step example of a bond valuation technique using numbers
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Explain the bond valuation technique.
Explain how changing the variables in the example may change the value of the bond.

Slide Content: Explanation of one stock valuation technique
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Discuss the importance for investors of understanding stock valuation techniques.

Slide Content: Step-by-step example of the stock valuation technique using numbers
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Explain the stock valuation technique.
Explain how changing the variables in the example may change the value of the stock.

Slide Content: Recommended portfolio of stocks and bonds for Mr. Jones’s situation
Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

Explain the reasoning behind this recommendation.

Introduction to Eagle Consulting and Financial Services, Inc.
Eagle Consulting and Financial Services is a company offering a range of financial advisory and consulting services to individuals and business. Eagle focuses on solving clients’ most challenging issues with a cross-disciplinary approach that encompasses everything from enterprise improvement and financial advisory services to information management, leadership and organizational effectiveness, and turnaround and restructuring.
Eagle’s vast experience and specialized expertise enables the company to serve a wide range of businesses and industries, whether they are healthy, challenged, or distressed, as well as business owners and other individuals.
Services for Individuals
The Wealth Management team at Eagle works with individuals to deliver services and solutions that help build, preserve, and manage wealth.The mission of every financial advisor is to understand the aspirations of each and every client and help them achieve their goals.
Services provided to individual investors include:

Wealth planning
Investment management
Cash management
Lending solutions
Estate planning

Services for Businesses
The Business Advisory team specializes in a wide array of enterprise-wide solutions. The team tailors their services to the specific needs of the client, whether addressing an isolated business challenge; integrating resources across departments, divisions or continents; or serving in interim leadership roles to steer a firm through a period of change. The Eagle suite of services address all aspects of the business life cycle to help clients overcome complex operational and financial issues, uncover new opportunities, minimize risk, and maximize value.
Services provided to businesses include:

Enterprise improvement
Financial advisory services
Information management
Leadership and organizational effectives
Turnaround and restructuring

Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.
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