Symbols in Buddhism represents the various teachings of Buddha. The Buddha made use of symbols when he taught on the turning wheel of dharma. Most of these symbols originated as Buddhism was adopted and practiced by different traditions and cultures. In addition, some of these symbols are particular to Buddhists in a region such as Japan and China. The Eight Auspicious Buddhist Symbols are important in Buddhism seen in the art and architecture of South Asia. The symbol of the lotus flower is practically suggestive. That is to say, as the lotus grows above the muck in waters, we also should live above the troubles of life in wisdom and purity.  As we know that it is out of the mud that the lotus grows. Significantly, if the lotus can grow from the mud to blossom into a beautiful flower with a sweet smell, then we can go from human suffering to purity, beauty, and happiness. Certainly, the lotus symbol is common in Buddhism. As my knowledge from my family is Buddhism. Buddhism in Southeast Asia includes a variety of traditions of Buddhism including two main traditions: Mahāyāna Buddhism and Theravāda Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism is practicing Buddha as China, Singapore, and Malaysia. Theravada as know as original of Buddha was spread out from China. My parent has known both but they are become monks and practicing of Theravada Buddhism. Because they have known that Theravada based on the real story about Buddha who was a prince of India. He gave up everything from his loyal life to find a way out of reborn and human being. He tried to help people learn and understand more about reborn, death keep repeating. That is the reason why the representation of the Buddha in a variety of sculptures from both Buddhism are different too. Mahāyāna Buddhism created some other characters in Buddhism and make people believe in they are one kind of Buddha’s prophet and worship them . They make them as different design one is scary , one is nicely, one is women represent for mother of people,… They put them in different section inside temple. That is the way everyone will recognize the different and special of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Theravāda Buddhism just worship only one Buddha in the middle of temple, and he is the original one who is a foundation of Buddhism. 

Theravāda Buddhism is appeal to me the most because everything I heard and knew are from true story. The language they are praying everyday is Bali which is original language of Buddha. They are teaching people doing the right and it makes sense, more real on everything. Buddha was a special person who made the 7 steps when he was just born and every steps have a lotus bloom under his feet. Every story was told by his real life. Mahāyāna Buddhism made other Deity for everyone worship and pray about them did not make from true story. I do not know who are those people come from and how they was found in Buddhism history. 

My favorite video out of the selected few was “Who was Mahatma Ghandi and what did he do for India?” the video starts off by naming other great leaders like Nelson Mandela then shifts its focus to Ghandi. He became the voice of the nation, and many look up to the work he has done. He is mainly known for his nonviolent campaigns for independence in India. His statue now stands in the heart of British democracy 

  1. Buddhism symbols represent different teachings from Buddha. Symbols didn’t rise until after Buddha died. The early symbols represented his early teachings. Most of them were practiced by different traditions and cultures mainly in the Japan and China region, then eventually evolved into different schools of Buddhism. People who practice Buddhism do not see Buddha as a god or deity but live their lives according to dharma, although he is greatly respected. 8 symbols are associated with Buddhism (1) The turning wheel of Dharma (dharmachakra) it has 8 spokes and represents the dharma it suggests that a person will be unhappy until they accept dharma. Accepting Buddas teachings will stop the wheel (2) The lotus flower represents positive energy. As it grows above water, we should live our lives about the troubles. We can go from suffering to happiness. (3) The umbrella signifies that you can take refuge in the community and protect from evil. It gives shade from the rain and sun, and you’ll get the same protection from practicing dharma (4) Two fish meaning freedom, good fortune and luck. The ocean may be big and scary, but the fish still swim freely. (5) The victory banner represents the over lust, pride, and cravings. It reminds the Buddhist that they need to fight against lust, pride, hatred, delusion, and cravings. (6) The conch shell spirals to the right which represents the joyful sound of Buddas teachings. It also tells us to wake up from ignorance and pursue awakening (7) The vase is to remind them that they stand to gain when we attain enlightenment through dharma. (8) The internal endless knot. The intertwined lines means that everything in life is connected to each other. Out of the 8 the most important symbol would be the Dharma wheel. Buddhas teaching and the ultimate truth. It consists of 8 spokes and represents the noble eightfold path. "A dharma wheel has three basic parts: the hub, the rim, and the spokes. Over the centuries, various teachers and traditions have proposed diverse meanings for these parts. Here are some common understandings of the wheel’s symbolism". Buddhas sculptures represent the aspects of his life and lessons. The one that appeals to me the most would be the Monywa Buddhas, I feel like it really stands out compared to the others. 

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