150 words for each reply please before answering point them 1,2,3….. it’s class discussion 1. Navpreet – Hi everyone, As I would like to think it is dishonest for an association to overlook the issue of employment stress totally. This is on the grounds that results of occupation weight on people are not kidding for instance a few psychological well-being issues, for example, wretchedness, outrage, and physical issues, for example, cardiovascular wellbeing, and cerebral pains originate from pressure (Dessler, Chhinzer, and Cole, 2014). Moreover, for an occupation, the result of occupational weight is a decline in efficiency, an increase in disappearances, and personnel turnover (Dessler, Chhinzer, and Cole). Therefore, ignoring the problem of occupational pressure involves the association’s turning its head to a problem that may cause serious problems to the association, and this is first of all for the welfare of the representatives of the association. In Canada, the absolute expense of emotional well-being issues, approximates 17% of finance, 66% of organizations disparage the commonness of psychological maladjustment in the working environment, and just 13% of senior chiefs have a solid attention to the effect of psychological well-being on their working environment (Dessler, Chhinzer, and Cole, 2o14). These insights indicate that Lenovo has little effect on factors that affect emotional health (such as stress). Subsequently, when issues, for example, work pressure are overlooked it turns into an inquiries of one’s morals in view of the influence it can have on a person’s wellbeing. Therefore, when the association can help reduce the composition of the population, it will continue to increase medical problems, such as grief and cardiovascular health, but decide not to cheat for its own benefit. Reference Dessler, G., Chhinzer, N., and Cole, N. D. (2014). HR Management in Canada. (twelfth ed.). Toronto: Pearson Canada. 2. Great start to this discussion question. What are some techniques or programs organizations offer to their employees to combat job stress? Have you participated in any before? Do you they work? 3. In your experience or through research, is there any correlation between jobs that are more stressful and companies who offer stress related programs that go beyond industry standards/norms? 4. What role does the level of skill set required to do a job play with an employee who receives multiple disciplinary actions and a future course of action needs to be determined? Is this fair? 5. chiristina I have a few friends who are HR Managers so I asked them the above question based on their experiences: I believe it depends on the company and the situation. In regards to using a progressive discipline process, this method provides a timeline of documented events that lead to the termination of the employee for underperforming in his or her job functions. It also allows the employee to have a chance to correct any errors in their workstyle to avoid termination. According to A. Panza,finally, a progressive discipline process can boost office morale as it does not give the workplace the impression that employees can be terminated for minor infractions, but rather be given the opportunity to improve or change any errors” (personal communication, October 18, 2020). In regards to termination packages, according to K. Aitchison, “termination packages are fairly cut and dry, which means there can be no issue or conflict in regards to bias or discrimination towards the employee, since documenting the process could be different for each employee and termination is consistent in the process.” (personal communication, October 19, 2020). A termination package is also quick; therefore, resources are not exhausted on progressive discipline processes. 6. Hailey – In my experience, an organization should always consider providing termination packages to employees who have ongoing disciplinary problems rather than continuing to engage in progressive discipline. It is important to understand that there are costs associated with both of these approaches. For example, any time an employee is let go, an organization will incur costs associated with turnover. There are both direct and indirect costs to employee turnover. Direct costs of turnover include the “cost of advertising and interviewing, cost of moving expenses offered to the new candidate” (Dessler & Chhinzer, 2019, p.301). Conversely, indirect costs of turnover “lost productivity during the employment gap, training curve productivity losses” (Dessler & Chhinzer, 2019, p.302). When determining whether to initiate termination or process with progressive discipline, an employer needs to weigh the value the employee is adding to the organization against the cost of keeping them or letting them go. For example, engaging in the progressive discipline process several times with the same employee can be costly for an employer and can also be detrimental to morale in the workplace – which can significantly decrease productivity. In my opinion, an employer should initiate termination “after all reasonable steps to rehabilitate or salvage the employment relationship through employee discipline have failed” (Dessler & Chhinzer, 2019, p.305). Ultimately, I believe that an employee can only be given so many chances to correct the same problematic behaviour. If this behaviour cannot be corrected, it is almost always in the best interest of both parties to let the employee go. References: Dessler, G., & Chhinzer, N. (2019). Human resources management in Canada (14th Canadian ed.). Pearson Canada Inc. Retrieved from
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