Access to Healthcare Services Is a Human Right Even Though Not Everyone across the Globe Enjoys This Right.

An important step in writing your paper is revision. You will draft your written project, targeting a professional in your field or discipline as the audience. You will then share the draft with the professional you have previously identified, and incorporate the feedback you receive, as appropriate “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” ~Bill Gates In the workplace and other areas of life, it is important to become more comfortable requesting feedback (both positive and critical).  Why?  Feedback helps us become more effective, gives us a chance to change and modify our behavior (and writing!), and helps us develop more self-awareness about how others perceive our actions and skills. Detailed instructions about completing your draft can be found here. Assignment Instructions After you have drafted your paper following the guidelines linked above, share the draft with the professional who has agreed to give you feedback. After receiving the feedback, please upload a draft of your final paper. In your draft, please include the following: Share both critical and positive feedback received from the professional about your paper. Share your personal reactions and thoughts as you reviewed the feedback. Share your plan for integrating the feedback appropriately into your writing before submitting your final written project. To stay on track for finishing the course on time, this assignment should be completed by the 7th week of the course. There is no grading rubric for this assignment but you should look at the grading rubric for your final submission (M6.6), provided below. The faculty will mark your submission Complete/Incomplete and give feedback. You Oct 16, 12:15 PM All of your previous work serves as the construction materials from which this final research paper is built. The sequence of activities for creating your final paper that we recommended last week is repeated here. Be prepared to edit, rearrange, and rewrite your paper multiple times. The final integrated paper will probably be 4,500-6,000 words. You Oct 16, 12:16 PM Begin by organizing your work in the order of the Research Proposal and Literature Review. If appropriate, add to those the transcript of your oral presentation as well as copies of the feedback and suggestions provided by faculty and classmates. Make sure you have APA citation information for all the additional scholarly sources you have gathered since your initial Literature Review. You Oct 16, 12:17 PM Research Project Expectations Create a new document to hold the sections for your final paper. You should be ready to finalize those section headings now. You cannot simply insert minor changes into the original papers. Each draft section must be thoroughly revised and rewritten to incorporate the feedback provided as well as additional scholarly sources necessary to fully support your thesis fully. Your revised work must reflect clear evidence of improved research, writing, analysis, synthesis, and argument development skills. Research Project Requirements Begin your document by drafting a working thesis for your final paper. Be prepared to edit after you have completed all the sections of the final paper. Leave your introduction section empty for now. (As E.M. Forster said, “How do I know what I think until I see what I say?”) You Oct 16, 12:20 PM – Copy/paste in your revised/rewritten Literature Review Your revised work must present a comprehensive overview of the contemporary research studies and other recent scholarly articles examining the topic approved by your instructor (a minimum of 7-9 relevant scholarly articles in this final version). If appropriate, your review may also include a limited number of discipline-specific reports from industry or government agencies. When using industry-related sources, be mindful of the potential bias involved and examine that in your review. Include additional scholarly sources as needed with appropriate citations. You should expand the sources from your original Literature Review with other peer-reviewed sources specific to diversity and ethics You Oct 16, 12:21 PM Develop Transitions Draft a transition to move the reader from the Literature Review to the Diversity and Ethics section of your paper. Be sure you state the problem you are examining and its significance.  Develop your writing on Diversity and Ethics. Be sure you touch on all the required elements of this scaffold step, but be prepared to move the information around. The resulting section will summarize who is affected by the problem, key differences found in your examination of multiple perspectives, and the significance of such differences.  Draft a transition to move the reader from your Diversity and Ethics section to your final section. You Oct 16, 12:21 PM Advocate for Equitable Solutions – Write a final, new section in which you advocate for the most equitable solution to the problem examined. Draw upon the scholarly sources in your previous sections to substantiate your position. If necessary, provide further support with government reports and studies as well as non-governmental organizational reports and studies. You Oct 16, 12:22 PM Draft Introduction & Conclusion – Based on the work you have developed thus far, review and revise your working thesis. Draft a comprehensive introduction for your paper. Your original Research Proposal could be helpful here. Draft a conclusion that fully wraps up all of the themes and ideas presented in all the sections. You Oct 16, 12:22 PM Finalize Your Paper – Draft an Abstract that provides a preview of the entire paper in about a paragraph. Build your comprehensive reference list in correct APA format. The result of these steps should be a very rough draft of your final paper. You Oct 16, 12:23 PM As you further revise and refine it, keep in mind this basic framework that your final submission should follow. The final submission you work on and submit after receiving feedback on the draft should follow the framework below.  1 Abstract 2 Introduction (250-300 words) Provide an overview with significance of the issue related to field of study 3 Diversity & Ethics     Cultural perspectives and inequities (1,000-1,200 words) Analyze competing entities, including disenfranchised/vulnerable groups Address issues such as ingroup favoritism, intergroup bias, etc.  Summarize cultural perspectives and perceived inequities 4 Ethical implications (1,000-1,200 words) Analyze decision making and actions, social responsibility, applying specific ethical theories Identify possible pathways to equitable solutions Summarize compelling ethical issues 5 Proposed solution (1,000-1,500 words) Advocate for the most equitable, ethical solution to meet the needs of vulnerable, disenfranchised Draw upon scholarly sources and previous sections to substantiate your position Provide further support with government reports and studies, NGO reports and studies 6 Conclusion (25-300 words) 7 Reference Lis
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