flow table final states, the state diagram and the asynchronous circuit schematic1 – Generally, a lawn mower has a mechanical interlock that prevents the engine start without a safety button being pressed before turning on the key. By replacing this mechanical part by an electronic equivalent, this safety mechanism becomes easier to manufacture, reducing the cost of the product.The lawn mower in question has a safety button B that must be pressed before the on / off switch C. When the safety button is pressed (that is, when it goes to level logic 1), an LED indicator L is lit; then, when switching C to ‘alloy’ (logic level 1), the motor will start (indicated by an output M at logic level 1). The engine will stop when it is switched to ‘shut down’ (logic level 0) or when the security key is released (logic level 0). The security button B it must be activated again (that is, a change from 0 to 1) before restarting the engine. Note that the system to be developed should guarantee that the engine will only be started when B is pressed before turning the key on. Include in your project the primitive flow table, the flow table final states, the state diagram and the asynchronous circuit schematic. Detail the decisions of project

class Player:


    Represents a player of the FocusGame. Has name and color attributes, as well as attributes to count captured and

    reserved pieces. Has getter methods for all attributes, as well as methods to add/decrement reserved pieces and add

    captured pieces.

    Player objects are initialized when a FocusGame object is initialized. Initialization of a FocusGame object requires

    name and color piece parameters for two players, and these parameters are then used to initialize two Player objects.

    Player objects are stored in and used by FocusGame objects, so that the FocusGame object can utilize the Player’s color,

    reserved, and captured attributes when doing game logic that checks for wins, makes reserve moves, puts pieces into

    reserve and capture, checks for correct color on top of the stack, etc.


    def __init__(self, name, color):

        self._name = name.upper()

        self._color = color.upper()

        self._captured = 0

        self._reserved = 0

    def get_color(self):

        return self._color

    def get_name(self):

        return self._name

    def get_captured_pieces(self):

        return self._captured

    def get_reserved_pieces(self):

        return self._reserved

    def decrement_reserved_pieces(self):

        self._reserved -= 1

    def add_reserved_piece(self):

        self._reserved += 1

    def add_captured_piece(self):

        self._captured += 1

class Space:


    Represents a space on the FocusGame board. Multiple pieces on the space are represented by a list (the stack attribute),

    with lowest piece at index 0, and top piece at highest index.

    Has methods for adding a piece, removing pieces from top and bottom, getting length, and getting the stack itself.

    Space objects are initialized in a 6×6 list of lists (to represent the board) when a FocusGame object is initialized.


    def __init__(self, starting_piece):

        “””Initializes a Space object. If given a starting piece, adds that starting piece to the stack.”””

        if not starting_piece:

            self._stack = []


            self._stack = [starting_piece.upper()]

    def add_piece(self, piece):


        Adds piece to top of the stack (end of the stack list).

        :param piece: the color of the piece to add (string)

        :return: None



    def pop_top(self):


        Removes the piece on the top of the stack (at the end of the stack list) and returns it.

        :return: piece (string)


        if not self.is_empty():

            return self._stack.pop(len(self._stack) – 1)

        return None

    def get_top(self):


        Returns the piece on the top of the stack without removing it.

        Used for checking the color of the piece on the top of the stack.

        :return: piece (string)


        if not self.is_empty():

            return self._stack[len(self._stack) – 1]

        return None

    def is_empty(self):

        if len(self._stack) == 0:

            return True

        return False

    def remove_pieces_from_bottom(self):


        If the stack has over 5 pieces in it, removes pieces from the bottom of the stack (beginning of the stack list)

        until the stack has only 5 pieces in it. Returns a list of all pieces removed and stores it in extra_pieces.

        Used when capturing and reserving pieces after a move has been made.

        :return: extra_pieces (list of pieces removed)


        extra_pieces = []

        if len(self._stack) > 5:

            extra_qty = len(self._stack) – 5

            for i in range(extra_qty):


        return extra_pieces

    def remove_pieces_from_top(self, num_pieces):


        Removes a specified number of pieces from the top of the stack, and returns them in a list.

        Used when making a single or multiple move.

        Returns a list of pieces in reverse order of how they’ll be placed on the destination space,

        i.e. the top piece of the stack of moving pieces is at index 0 in piece_stack.

        :param num_pieces: number of pieces to remove from top (int)

        :return: piece_stack (list of pieces removed)


        piece_stack = []

        for i in range(num_pieces):


        return piece_stack

    def get_length(self):

        return len(self._stack)

    def get_stack(self):

        return self._stack

class FocusGame:


    Represents the Focus game. Has attributes for two players, each of which are a Player object. Has an attribute to

    track whose turn it is, and a “board” attribute that uses a list of lists (of Space objects) to represent the board.

    The main methods used for gameplay are the move_piece and reserved_move methods. The make_move, change_turn, and

    reserve_and_capture methods perform subtasks for the main gameplay methods. is_win and check_reserve_and_capture check

    for winning condition and reserve/capture condition, respectively.

    The find_player_by_name method is used to identify the Player object making the current move, and the get_space

    method is used to identify the Space objects at the move’s origin/destination.

    Several methods validate user input for the main gameplay methods, such as is_correct_turn, is_valid_position,

    is_valid_location, and is_valid_piece_num.

    Additionally, there are methods to show current statuses within the game, such as show_pieces, show_reserve, and show_captured.


    def __init__(self, player_a, player_b):

        self._player_a = Player(player_a[0].upper(), player_a[1].upper())

        self._player_b = Player(player_b[0].upper(), player_b[1].upper())

        self._current_turn = None # will be Player object

        self._board = [[Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color())],

        [Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color())],

        [Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color())],

        [Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color())],

        [Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color())],

        [Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_a.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color()), Space(self._player_b.get_color())]]

    def move_piece(self, player_name, orig_coord, dest_coord, num_pieces):


        Calls methods to check for correct player turn, valid origin and destination locations, and valid number of pieces.

        If everything is valid, calls methods to make the pieces move from origin to destination, check for need to

        reserve and capture, check for a win, and change current turn.


        player = self.find_player_by_name(player_name)

        if not self.is_correct_turn(player):

            return “Not your turn”

        if not self.is_valid_location(player, orig_coord, dest_coord, num_pieces):

            return “Invalid location”

        orig = self.get_space(orig_coord)

        if not self.is_valid_piece_num(orig, num_pieces):

            return “Invalid number of pieces”

        dest = self.get_space(dest_coord)

        self.make_move(orig, dest, num_pieces)

        self.check_reserve_and_capture(dest, player)

        if self.is_win(player):

            return player_name + ” Wins”


        return “Successfully moved”

    def show_pieces(self, position):

        if not self.is_valid_position(position):

            return None

        return self._board[position[0]][position[1]].get_stack()

    def show_reserve(self, player_name):

        player = self.find_player_by_name(player_name)

        if player:

            return player.get_reserved_pieces()


    def show_captured(self, player_name):

        player = self.find_player_by_name(player_name)

        if player:

            return player.get_captured_pieces()


    def reserved_move(self, player_name, position):

        # check if valid position

        if not self.is_valid_position(position):


        # check if player has pieces in reserve

        player = self.find_player_by_name(player_name)

        if not player or player.get_reserved_pieces() == 0:

            return “No pieces in reserve”

        # add a reserved piece onto the destination stack, and subtract one from player’s reserved pieces

        dest = self.get_space(position)



        # check for reserve and capture, check for win condition, change turn

        self.check_reserve_and_capture(dest, player)

        if self.is_win(player):

            return player_name + ” Wins”


    def is_valid_position(self, position):

        if position[0] < 0 or position[1] < 0 or position[1] > 5 or position[1] > 5:

            return False

        return True

    def get_space(self, position):

        return self._board[position[0]][position[1]]

    def find_player_by_name(self, name):

        if name.upper() == self._player_a.get_name():

            return self._player_a

        elif name.upper() == self._player_b.get_name():

            return self._player_b

        return None

    def change_turn(self, current_player):

        if current_player == self._player_a:

            self._current_turn = self._player_b


            self._current_turn = self._player_a

    def check_reserve_and_capture(self, dest, player):

        if dest.get_length() > 5:

            self.reserve_and_capture_pieces(dest, player)

    def reserve_and_capture_pieces(self, dest, player):

        extra_pieces = dest.remove_pieces_from_bottom()

        for piece in extra_pieces:

            if piece == player.get_color():




    def is_win(self, player):

        if player.get_captured_pieces() >= 6:

            return True

        return False

    def make_move(self, orig, dest, num_pieces):

        pieces_moved = orig.remove_pieces_from_top(num_pieces)

        for i in range(len(pieces_moved)):

            dest.add_piece(pieces_moved[len(pieces_moved) – 1 – i])

    def is_correct_turn(self, player):

        if self._current_turn is not None and player != self._current_turn:

            return False

        return True

    def is_valid_location(self, player, orig_coord, dest_coord, num_pieces):

        # if invalid origin or destination coordinates

        if not self.is_valid_position(orig_coord) or not self.is_valid_position(dest_coord):

            return False

        # if orig is a stack with their piece not on top

        orig = self.get_space(orig_coord)

        if orig.get_top() != player.get_color():

            return False

        # invalid location if attempt to move diagonally

        row_diff = dest_coord[0] – orig_coord[0]

        col_diff = dest_coord[1] – orig_coord[1]

        if row_diff != 0 and col_diff != 0:

            return False

        # invalid location if spaces moved is not equal to number of pieces being moved

        if row_diff == 0:

            spaces_moved = abs(col_diff)


            spaces_moved = abs(row_diff)

            if num_pieces != spaces_moved:

                return False

        return True

    def is_valid_piece_num(self, orig, num_pieces):

        if num_pieces > orig.get_length():

            return False

        return True

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