By now, everyone has found a research question, investigated that topic, and has begun to form the base for what his or her argument will be.
Integrate research effectively. Create a clear argument with a well-founded thesis statement. Document sources correctly based on a clear understanding of MLA conventions. Establish a strong voice through clear writing.
Evaluative Criteria.
1. Introduction: provides general background and a clear, focused thesis statement that is appropriate for a proposal argument (it addresses the problem and the solution).
2. Argument: the essay provides necessary information on the topic, covering multiple angles and sides, addressing the warrant, and supporting the argument with effective and credible research.
3. Argument structure/organization: a paper-wide awareness of academic structure, language, and proper argument structure. You should be using clear, formal language and structure to communicate a strong argument clearly with two or three major tenets of support that are clearly explained, grounded in evidence, and interpreted for the audience’s benefit.
4. Quotations and Research: demonstrates an intelligent use of direct evidence to support your arguments. You should effectively utilize paraphrasing, summary, and direct quotation. Careful attention to proper in-text and works cited citations are necessary to avoid plagiarism. Your research should include at least five current sources; at least 3 of them should be scholarly or trade journals (more sources is fine).
5. MLA, grammar, and style: the Works Cited page carries all sources cited according to MLA.
6. Length requirement (6+ pages) and source requirement (5 with 3 scholarly or trade journal sources)
7. Attention to grammar and punctuation conventions, appropriate word choice, varied sentence structure 8. Originality and initiative
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