
Jean Watson’s Human Caring Theory Nursing Theory Paper Paper Instructions: Write a 750- to 1,250-word paper (not including the title or reference page) that explains how a foundational theory may be applied by the advanced practice nurse. The context of the paper must include the following: • Title page • Introductory paragraph o This should include the purpose of the paper o The name of the theory that will be discussed o Presentation of a formulated PICO question • Body of the Paper (750 to 1,250 words), o Describe the foundational theory o Identify key assumptions and concepts of the theory o Offer a brief critique of the theory (strengths and weaknesses of the theory) o Describe the clinical context in which the theory will be applied o Explain how the theory may be applied by the advanced practice nurse in the context of the PICO question Evaluate how applying this theory can impact your role as advanced practice nurse, your clinical practice, and healthcare outcomes. • Conclusion and summary paragraph • Reference page APA Instructions: • This is a scholarly paper and should not be written in the first person narrative. • Use headers to organize your paper • Present your paper in a succinct manner. • Include at least 5 references from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. See Evaluating Information Sources: What Is a Peer-Reviewed Article? and Scholarly Articles for more information about scholarly sources. • Format all elements of your paper according to APA guidelines. See the Purdue Owl website and the Example APA Paper for more information about APA formatting. o Paper format should follow 7th edition guidelines o Student format WITH a running head instructions:This course includes a Nursing Theory PaperPreview the document in which you review a theory relevant to nursing and describe how it may be applied in practice. The link above describes the full assignment. You will submit a draft in Week 13 and the final version in Week 15. For week eight, you will select a theory that you would like to research for your final paper. Think about the few theories already explored in the previous weeks of this course. It is helpful to you to link this applied idea to clinical practice as an Advance Practice RN. It is also encouraged to link it to the work you are doing or will do in your Research course. The signature assignment in this course, N626, is the development of the Theory Paper. All other assignments in N626 work to support the creation of the Theory paper. This signature assignment is designed to link to three other courses in your curriculum, N601, N672, and N606. Each of those courses have signature assignments linked to this course material and assignment. This course will build on the PICO question development in N601. The theory selection should be designed to help frame and illustrate your N601 PICO question. In your textbook for this course are lists of available theories to choose from. Other theories beyond Nursing are theories that address social needs, education needs, life process changes. Below are some selected types of non nursing theories: Aging and Neuroplasticity – Michael Merzenich and Andrew Weil Biopsychosocial Model – George Engel Change Theory – Kurt Lewin Health Belief Model Helping and Human Relationship – Carkhuff Intersectionality – Crenshaw Learned Helplessness Model – Seligman Modeling and Role Modeling Theory – Erickson et al Moral Development Theory – Kohlberg Self Efficacy Theory – Bandura Theories of Learning Theory of Needs – Maslow Trans theoretical Model of Change Write a 250-400-word proposal for this paper (approx 1-2 pages). Your proposal must: Select your theory to support a change you want to make in advance practice as in applied change in a practice site. This site needs to reflect the work of the FNP as a Primary Care Provider therefore the change should be in outpatient settings. Your proposal would be how becoming an Adv Practice RN APRN could make a difference in applying this change. INCLUDE your PICO Question from N601 Include at least 2 references from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. See Evaluating Information Sources: What Is a Peer-Reviewed Article? (Links to an external site.) and Scholarly ArticlesPreview the document for more information about scholarly sources. Cite each reference according to APA guidelines. See the Purdue Owl website. (Links to an external site.) Please use the most current edition of APA to format your paper. Here is link to the most notable changes between the 6th and 7th APA edition (Links to an external site.) Note: References should be journals and books, note websites for the paper assignment. Submit your proposal by 11:59 p.m. on the due date assignment this week is to submit your proposal for your final theory paper. This paper is intended to align with the theory choice you are making to support your N601 Research course paper as well. A few students have asked about the paper length. Remember that you are using APA format. For this proposal, please treat it as a formal APA paper, as this will save you time later. You will have a title page, paper body of approx. 2 pages in length with citations, and a reference page. By setting your proposal up this way, you will have a structure in place for when you further develop your proposal as the final course paper.

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