Case: Leaf in Creek (Retail Layout and Atmospherics)

Case Prompt: Help us design our retail space.

Team #:
Team Name:

Make Leaf in Creek a shopping “experience” for customers. Decide on retail atmospheric elements to help bring the feel of the outdoors inside. Also plot the layout of the store and departments (see Case Overview for details).

Strategy Overview
Explain the overall strategy of your store layout and design. Which type of retail layout (grid, racetrack, etc.) did you choose, and why?



Strategy Analysis
How does your store layout promote each of the requirements listed by the client?

Flow through Store
How does your layout promote flow through store?


How will your layout facilitate ease of finding items?


How will your layout help employees keep an eye on shopping in the store?


An Experience
How will your design create an “experience” for the customer?



Strategy Specifics
List any notable items or elements included in your store layout. This includes special fixtures, furniture, signs, decorative items, displays, etc. This is your chance to describe unique elements of your layout.

Item/strategic element

EXAMPLE: Two display rounds, four-feet tall each, with palm trees painted on them.
EXAMPLE: They will sit on table and display necklaces. Each display round should hold 100 necklaces. The painted palm trees will support the island vibe we have created in the store.







Part 3 Layout: On the following page, illustrate your store layout. You may create a digital version with editing software or draw by hand on a printed copy and paste the completed image below. Include the following on the illustration:
· Aisles and outlines of tables/shelving units or major fixtures
· Product Departments/Areas noted (the adventure product areas tend to include accessories, gear, and also 10 each of bikes, surfboards, snowboards, and kayaks)
1. Bike
2. Paddle & Surf
3. Snowboard
4. Hike, Climb, & Camp
5. Footwear
6. Technical / Outdoor Clothing
7. Boutique Wear
Note that boutique wear takes up approximately 20% of the store. The rest of the departments are approximately equal in size/volume.
· The checkout area
· Note any other key decor or other important elements
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