
Parent/Guardian Letter – Key Assessment, draft due Session 12: November 24, final due Session 15: December 15 (30 points) Communicating effectively with parents and guardians about their children’s learning is a critical trait and practice for teachers. This assignment gives you the opportunity to assess one student’s literacy abilities (ACEI 4.0), identify patterns related to literacy development (ACEI 2.1), identify strengths and weaknesses (ACEI 2.1), suggest ways to move forward with the student (ACEI 2.1) and finally, to practice communicating with a parent and/or guardian (ACEI 5.2) as well as to reflect on the impact of your instruction on students (ACEI 5.1). In this assignment you will compose a letter to the parent/guardian of one literacy learner who you will observe in the context of (pre-recorded) individual literacy sessions. The purpose of your letter is to provide information about this student’s growth, focusing on the strengths that you saw emerging as you observed and inquired into his/her literacy learning as well as one or two areas for growth that you have identified. Along with these areas for growth, you will provide suggestions for how parents can continue to support their child’s literacy growth at home and in school. In your letter, you should be attentive to issues of language and culture. If the parent/guardian speaks a language other than English, then you should have your letter translated and prepared in that language. Keep in mind, your tone in this letter should be a supportive one, as you are communicating with the parents/guardians in order to provide ways that they can continue to foster their child’s literacy growth both within and outside of school. STEP 1: Review the data and evidence you have collected on your literacy learner in order to identify strength patterns in his/her literacy learning and growth. Identify at least 3 strength patterns in the data (see below). (ACEI 4.0) STEP 2: Review the abovementioned data and evidence to identify areas for growth in his/her literacy learning. Identify at least 2 areas for growth in the data (see below) (ACEI 2.1). STEP 3: Review professional literature and consult reliable professional sources (consult with cooperating teacher, coaching supervisor, and instructor) for suggestions on how parents/guardians can foster these growth areas within and outside of school (see below) (ACEI 2.1). STEP 4: Use the organizer to draft your letter to parents/guardians. Make sure you use clear and concise language and avoid jargon. Make sure that your tone is positive and reflects a commitment to relationship building. Share your letter with your cooperating teacher, coaching supervisor, and instructor for feedback. Have letter translated to family language if necessary. Turn in draft – exercise 1-4, below – via email to course instructor by November 27. (ACEI 5.2) STEP 5: Prepare final letter on either letterhead or stationery. Turn in a copy to your instructor for evaluation. Provide a copy for your cooperating teacher for her files. Turn in this completed assignment description packet, included collaborative rubric and final version of letter to course instructor via email by December 18. (ACEI 5.2) 9 You are evaluated on two domains: 1) Your ability to identify patterns in your student’s literacy growth, based on trustworthy evidence. 2) Your ability to communicate positively and effectively with parents/guardians about their child’s literacy growth. Exercise #1: IDENTIFYING STRENGTH PATTERNS (ACEI 2.1) 10 Exercise #2: IDENTIFYING AREAS FOR GROWTH (ACEI 2.1) Exercise #3: IDENTIFYING SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS (ACEI 2.1) 11 Exercise #4: DRAFTING YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTER (ACEI 5.2) Use this organizer to draft your parent/guardian letter. Share your draft with your cooperating teacher as well as your course instructor. Date: Dear Parent/Guardian: My name is enrolled in a course on watched . I am a teacher candidate at . As a requirement for this course, I . In these sessions, I observed your child . Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from . I learned so much from this experience about One thing I learned was about (List three strengths). . ’s strengths as a reader and writer. . is strong in these areas, I also noted areas where he/she While could continue to grow. For instance, (list one area of growth) One way to help him/her grow in this area (suggestions for home) . Another area for growth is _______________. One way to help him/her grow in this area (suggestions for home) . In closing, (express thanks, share an anecdote) Sincerely yours, 12 Rubric for Parent/Guardian Letter (Key Assessment) Assignment ACEI Standard Exemplary – 4 Component Proficient – 3 Developing – 2 Not Acceptable – 1 I can articulate my students’ understanding of literacy development and acquisition and support with the related principles theories and research. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of language development and reading acquisition and the variations related to diverse populations. (ACEI 2.1) Candidate is comprehensively able to apply the broad range of theory and research related to reading acquisition to explain the reading process and cite multiple impacts on reading instruction. Candidate is able to apply the broad range of theory and research related to reading acquisition to explain the reading process and cite some impacts on reading instruction. Candidate is able to apply limited theories or pieces of research related to reading acquisition to explain the reading process and can cite a limited number of impacts on reading instruction. Candidate is not able to apply theory and research related to reading acquisition, nor the reading process and cannot cite appropriate impacts on reading instruction. I can identify patterns in my student’s literacy growth, based on trustworthy evidence and determine ways to support their growth Candidates demonstrate their knowledge of and ability to use assessment to promote continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each student. (ACEI 4.0) Teacher candidate thoroughly reviewed the evidence in order to identify common patterns in the ways in which the learner thinks about and develops understanding and skill in literacy. Analysis indicates a strong familiarity with common patterns of thinking and development in literacy Analysis indicates fluency in identifying patterns in literacy growth, and using professional literature to support. Teacher candidate reviewed the evidence in order to identify common patterns in the ways in which the learner thinks about and develops understanding and skill in literacy. Analysis indicates some familiarity with common patterns of thinking and development in literacy. Analysis identifies patterns in literacy growth. Teacher candidate inconsistently reviewed the evidence and identified some common patterns in the ways in which the learner thinks about and develops understanding and skill in literacy. Analysis indicates little familiarity with common patterns of thinking and development in literacy. Analysis does not identify patterns in literacy growth. Teacher candidate reviews the evidence but cannot identify the common patterns in the ways in which the learner thinks about and develops understanding and skill in literacy. Analysis did not indicate familiarity with common patterns of thinking and development in literacy. Analysis does not identify patterns in literacy growth. I can communicate positively and effectively with parents about their child’s literacy growth Candidates know the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive collaborative relationship with families, school colleagues, and agencies in the larger community to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, physical growth and well- being of children. (ACEI 5.2) Teacher candidate communicates positively and effectively with parents/guardians in order to support student literacy growth. Letter provides accurate and reliable information about learner’s literacy strengths and areas for growth, as strongly grounded in evidence. Letter is attentive to considerations of language and culture and is translated to parent/guardian/family language of communication (if necessary). Letter provides clear guidance for parents/guardians in how to foster child’s literacy growth in and out of school that is grounded in evidence and professional literature. Teacher candidate communicates with parents/guardians in order to support student literacy growth. Letter provides information about learner’s literacy strengths and areas for growth, as grounded in evidence. Letter is attentive to considerations of language and culture and is translated to parent/guardian/family language of communication (if necessary). Letter provides suggestions for parents/guardians in how to foster child’s literacy growth. Teacher candidate communicates with parents/guardians. Letter provides information about learner’s literacy behaviors. Letter may not attend to considerations of language and culture and/or may not be translated to parent/guardian/family language of communication (if necessary). Letter may not provide useful suggestions for parents/guardians in fostering child’s literacy growth. Teacher candidate does not communicate with parents or guardians. Letter does not provide information about learner’s literacy behaviors. Letter does not attend to considerations of language and culture and/or may not be translated to parent/guardian/family language of communication (if necessary). Letter does not provide useful suggestions for parents/guardians in fostering child’s literacy growth. I can write with clarity, concision and organization Candidates use their knowledge and understanding of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom (ACEI 3.5) Writing is well organized. Writing is clear and thoughts are articulated concisely but with eloquence. Letter is written in a professional voice, consistently avoiding jargon and using accessible language. Letter has no grammatical errors. Letter adheres to conventions for letter writing and appears on letterhead or stationery (5 points maximum). Writing is somewhat well organized. Writing is clear and thoughts are articulated concisely. Letter has some grammatical errors. Letter is written in a professional voice, avoiding jargon and using accessible language Letter adheres to conventions for letter writing and appears on letterhead or stationery (3 points maximum) Writing could benefit from organization. Writing could be more clear and concise. Letter has many grammatical errors. Letter does not consistently adhere to conventions for letter writing and/or lacks professionalism. (1 point maximum) Writing is not organized. Writing has errors and is not clear and concise. Letter does not consistently adhere to conventions for letter writing and/or lacks professionalism. (1 point maximum). 13 I can reflect on my work and abilities Candidates reflect and evaluate the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students. (ACEI 5.1) The collaborative rubric has been completed. Teacher candidate has identified his/her ability growth using evidence from the assignment. Candidate develop a systematic process for evaluating the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students, parents, and other professionals and develop professional improvement plans based on the evaluation results. The collaborative rubric has been completed but the teacher candidate has not used evidence from the assignment to support his/her self-evaluation. Candidates use information about students and research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and learning as a basis for experimenting with, reflecting on practice. The collaborative rubric has only been partially completed and the candidates do not reflect in ways that help them move forward professionally. 453318 2 hours ago
PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTER12/14/2018Dear Parent/Guardian,My name is ABC. I am a teacher candidate at Hunter College, enrolled in a course onelementary literacy development. As a requirement for this course, I worked with XYZ one-ononefor four 45-minute sessions. Working together in the back of the classroom, we read anddiscussed books, wrote stories and explored the fascinating world of literacy through ourconversations.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn with and from XYZ, which has been anextraordinary experience. Her enthusiasm to learn extends far beyond our four meetings, as shefrequently expresses her affection for reading and writing in the classroom. Just as equally, XYZspeaks highly of the brilliance and beauty of her family members. It is clear that she is deeplyinspired by her family, and that you provide her with a support that has shaped her into theenthusiastic learner that she is.One thing I have learned about XYZ’s strengths as a reader and writer is that she hasoutstanding writing habits. During one session we focused on composition “free” writing, andXYZ not only expressed pure jubilation at the idea, but she demonstrated various writing skills.For example, after she wrote one or two sentences, XYZ regularly re-read her writing aloud. Thisexercise allowed her to fix an error at one point where she had left out a word. XYZ originallywrote, “Once opun a time there lived a butiful Dark Brown hair with caramel skin.” After she rereadthe sentence aloud, she paused and said, “Oh! Girl!” immediately adding the word “girl” after“hair.” I was impressed by XYZ’s commitment to checking her work and believe it to be a verygood habit to continue throughout her life. XYZ also organized her writing draft into sections,labeling a beginning, body and conclusion in the margins of her paper. Her decision to format herPARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERstory demonstrates her knowledge that writing is a segmented process. While writing, XYZ oftenvocalized her words simultaneously, reading aloud while she was writing. While she did this, shesounded out words, repeated words out loud when she found trouble spelling them and asked forhelp when unable to continue on her own. She has stamina for writing independently and writeswith confidence and peacefulness. Watching her, it is clear that XYZ truly enjoys writing.Another of XYZ’s strengths I observed was reading comprehension. In the moments thatwe read together, XYZ frequently shared thoughtful responses and natural reactions to the text,demonstrating her curiosity and reflective nature. For example, after reading The Dancing Camel,a story by Aesop, XYZ was asked if the camel was a bad dancer. She responded, “I don’t thinkanyone is a bad dancer, they are just at different levels.”If she is very interested in a particular story, she will take her time reading and observe anyillustrations closely. While XYZ and I read a text together, she responded to my comprehensionquestions by referring back to specific pages in order to provide evidence to support her answers.When asked a question, she paused, contemplated and referred back to either the content orillustrations prior to replying. For example, when asked about the monkey character in TheDancing Camel, XYZ turned back to the paragraph where it had mentioned that the monkey was agood dancer. After reading the reflection silently, she thoughtfully said that while the camel wasnot as good of a dancer as the monkey, the passage made it clear that all animals are good atdifferent things. XYZ’s practice of moving back and forth between the book’s pages wasimpressive to me, as it showed a dedication to accuracy.While XYZ is strong in many areas, I also noted areas where she can continue to grow. Forinstance, XYZ can benefit from practicing clarifying her written work. During her free write, XYZhad no problem jumping into writing. She was excited and full of ideas, writing as she thought,PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERcreating a seamless process. However, her writing would benefit from a more organized plot. Inthe first paragraph of her “free write,” XYZ began writing about the main character and thenintroduced the main character’s family in detail. The next paragraph was about the familydiscovering that they were superheroes. While the story was exciting to read – her imagination isboundless – it was a bit confusing because there lacked a transition from one concept to the next.One way to help XYZ grow in this area is to ask herself “writer’s questions” while she rereadsher written work aloud. Ralph Fletcher, an accomplished writing teacher and children’sauthor, speaks of the power of re-reading as a “crucial aspect of writing” (Fletcher, 2017). In hisbook The Writing Teacher’s Companion, Fletcher stresses the importance of young writersconstantly asking themselves writer’s questions while reading their own writing. These kinds ofquestions include, “What am I trying to say?” “Is there a smooth flow from the beginning to thebody of the piece?” “Do I wander off topic? Where?” (Fletcher, 2017). If by chance you areworking on your own writing piece(s) at home, attempt to ask yourself writer’s questions whenXYZ is present. For your convenience, I have attached a list of writer’s questions to the back ofthis letter. Alternatively, ask XYZ to create her own template with writer’s questions, and then getinto a habit of frequently referring back to it while re-reading her writing. XYZ already has a greatroutine in place by re-reading her writing and catching errors. She can use this habit more deeplyby asking herself specific questions, in order to attain clarity and smooth transitions in her writing.In addition to writing with clarity, it is important that XYZ also continues to develop herspelling. During our second session, when I assessed XYZ’s spelling, I noticed that she may be“using but confusing” spelling words that end in “ies.” She seems to know when to properly use“ies” in words but may not know when to drop the “y,” which has a similar sound. For example,PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERwhen spelling the word carries, XYZ spelt “carryies.” XYZ is beginning to understand moresophisticated spelling patterns, which is very exciting.Additionally, XYZ could use support in learning more about less frequently used vowelspelling patterns, such as the combination of “er” in “serving” and ew” in “chewed,” which shehad spelled as “suving,” and “ceved.” There are many ways to help XYZ at home, and I will offerseveral suggestions from Mariana Souto-Manning and Jessica Martell. In their book, ReadingWriting and Talk, they suggest unique spelling strategies for children while they are writing. Onesuggestion is for XYZ to examine words in her writing that do not “look right.” She can then try tospell out the word in multiple ways and select the word that looks the most correct (Souto-Manning & Martell, 2016).XYZ could also create her own personal “word list” and color and decorate it with stickersor glitter – I know how much she enjoys coloring. It is critical that the word list XYZ creates islarge enough to add various words for several weeks or months. While you read or write together,when you come across a new word that was not known or required help in spelling, have XYZ addit to her personal word list. This may help her memorize the meaning and spelling of the wordwhen she has an experience attached to it. I then recommend hanging it up in her room or makingit visible and celebrate all of the words she has learned. Knowledge of spelling is acquired fromvarious interactions with the written language. Thus, “it should be taught within the context asreading and writing,” (Souto-Manning & Martell, 2016) whenever possible.In closing, I would like to thank you for providing me the opportunity to learn about XYZ,who is a true delight to have in class. She radiates happiness, positivity and a motivation to learn. Iam honored to have been able to work with her and bask in her rays of sunshine.Sincerely yours,ABCPARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERWriter’s Questions

What am I trying to say?
Have I said it?
How does it sound?
Is it working?
Does my beginning grab the reader?
Is there a smooth flow from the beginning to the body of the piece?
Do I wander off topic? Where?
Do my characters (and dialogue) seem believable?
Should I add details or examples to support general statements?
Is there a critical moment or climax that I rush through too quickly… a place where Ineed to use slow motion?
Have I written a satisfying ending?This information has been derived from The Writing Teacher’s Companion: Embracing Choice,Voice, Purpose and Play by Ralph Fletcher.PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERExercise #1: IDENTIFYING STRENGTH PATTERNS (ACEI 2.1)Evidence ReviewedOutstanding Writing HabitsObserved during compositionfocus, “free write” and notesduring session.Strength #1Re-reading writing• Frequently paused to re-read work afterwriting 1 or 2 sentences.• Re-reading provided student opportunitiesto add or remove previously omittedwords.• Re-reading appeared to inspire student withnew ideas.Strength #2Organizing Draft• Organized paper with a cover page,beginning, body and conclusion.• Designated a lot of space for the body,acknowledging that the majority of herwriting will be in the body.Strength #3Vocalizing• While writing, student sounded out words.• Student repeated words out loud, oftenmultiple times, when she was troubled withspelling.• Ask for help on spelling when lost.Strength #4Incorporating Detail• Example, “Long, caramel hair” whendescribing the main character in “freewrite.”• Enjoyed creating long, intricate names forcharacters.Strength #5Using “Family Funds of Knowledge”• Student is inspired by her family.• Named her characters in “free write” withlong, complex and unique names – insimilarity to the unique names in her ownfamily.• Wrote about similar experiences to familyevents (for example, her mother’spregnancy).• Inspired by her grandmother, who haspublished several books.• Was eager to share her writing from thissession with her family members.Strength #6Writing Stamina• Writes independently.• Writes with confidence and peacefulness.• Appears to enjoy the writing process.PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERExercise #2: IDENTIFYING AREAS FOR GROWTH (ACEI 2.1)

Evidence ReviewedSpelling InaccuraciesObserved from informal “SpellingInventory” and “free write”Growth Area #1“Using but confusing” inflected endings – Studentappears to know when to use “ies” but doesn’tseem to understand when to drop the “y.” Forexample, “carries” was spelt “carryies.”Growth Area #2Needs to work on “other vowels”, after observingstudent’s results from spelling inventory.Evidence ReviewedDetermining Clarityof Written WorkObserved from composition focus.Growth Area #1Writing is lacking an organized plot• During “free write,” student had no hesitationto dive right in. However, her writing lackedan organized plot.• Student did not plan out what to write – she“wrote as she thought.”Growth Area #2Student could benefit from strategizing how to makeher paragraphs “flow” into one another.• In the first paragraph of her “free write,” thestudent wrote about her main character, listedthe character’s family members. The secondparagraph illustrated a trip to an office wherethey discovered they were a family ofsuperheroes, and that one of the familymembers were pregnant.• Very interesting ideas, but there could bemore written on transitioning from the familyintroductions to the trip to the office.PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERExercise #2: IDENTIFYING AREAS FOR GROWTH (ACEI 2.1)Evidence ReviewedIncrease stamina in readingObserved from comprehensionfocus session and runningrecords.Growth Area #1Student would often lost attention to reading bymaking side remarks that were unrelated toreading.Growth Area #2Appears to glaze over certain words withoutpausing to understand them.Growth Area #3Seems to over rely on visual cues. During arunning record, the student made severalsubstitutions that often did not have any semanticor syntactic meaning.PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERExercise #3: IDENTIFYING SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS (ACEI 2.1)ReferencesProfessional Literature / SourcesConsultedMs. D.Third Grade teacher at QRSSchoolChecking for ComprehensionAfter reading a paragraph, ask yourself “Who is thisparagraph talking about?”, and “What is thisparagraph about?”While re-reading her written work, student canpossibly ask herself these questions.Professional Literature / SourcesConsultedJessica Martell and MarianaSouto-ManningReading, Writing and TalkStrategies for SpellingMark words that do not look right and attempt tospell them in multiple ways. (Page 135)Celebrate and Welcome Spelling EverywhereSpelling can be found everywhere, through readingand being read to, writing, paying attention to print,writing, and having conversations about reading andwriting. Thus, pay attention to and notice spellingwhenever you can! (Page 134)Professional Literature / SourcesConsultedRalph FletcherThe Writing Teacher’sCompanionKeep Writing!Student has a passion for writing. The more shewrites and reads, the more she will learn. (Page 13)“Writer’s Questions”Since the student is already in the habit of re-reading herwork, she can ask herself “writer’s questions” to practicedeveloping their own criteria of good writing. (Pages107-109)DraftingStudent may practice drafting in orderto introduce her idea and sequenceevents. (Pages 103 – 104)Write TogetherWrite along so that student can see people sheadmires engaging in the same process as her. (Page19)PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTERReferencesFletcher, R. (2017). The Writing Teacher’s Companion: Embracing Choice, Voice, Purpose & Play.New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc.Souto-Manning, M. & Martell, J. (2016). Reading, Writing and Talk: Inclusive Teaching Strategiesfor Diverse Learners, K-2. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

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