Using Chapter 2 of your textbook, compare three different methodologies that could be used to study suicide.  This will include information about the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology.  Then, conclude the essay by briefly explaining whether you believe a quantitative or qualitative approach to research would be best for studying suicide. 
Specifications.  Your paper must be a minimum of 3 complete pages. Essays must be double space, using either 10 or 12 fonts, and must be completed in Times New Roman.  Your essay will be graded on the basis of content, quantity, grammar, and adherence to the previously mentioned guidelines (See Essay Rubric). Any information drawn from works published by others must be appropriately cited within the body of your work, and then referenced as part of a bibliography page. Each essay is worth a total of 50 points and must be submitted on or before the due date.  Late work will NOT be accepted and it will be graded as 0.  If you are having a difficult time writing the essay, you have the option of turning in your paper ahead of time for me to review it and provide you with feedback. 

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